Wednesday, February 26, 2014


vitor. monteiro (
Enviada:quarta-feira, 26 de Fevereiro de 2014 12:03:26
Para: (
Good morning;

I'll tell you some secrets ...
If after this you tell someone ...
I'll have to kill you!

-) I'm almost 47 years old (July 27). If I had money I would like to travel around the world, but old people no longer enjoy the adventures of travel.
So I want to earn money in the near future!

In Portugal, what is the best way to earn money?

Except the crime (I was joking, I do not usually kill people), in Portugal, I think the best way to make money is through the exotic fruits ...

-) Many exotic fruits have a short cycle: plants come into production a few months after sowing (5-10 months, depending on the species of the fruit). Here in Ribatejo, fall frosts only in the months of December, January and February. Per year, we have 9 months of tropical and subtropical weather.

We must seize these nine months to produce low cost exotic fruits outdoors ...

So, what's the secret?
The trick/secret is the transplant!!!

-) At commercial level (tomatoes, peppers, etc.), the transplant is done about 1,5-2 months after sowing. In exotic fruits, to seize those nine months of sub-tropical open field weather, we must transplant 4-8 months after sowing.

So, will this be easy?
If this were easy, certainly it had been done!!!
But I think with the subtropical climate of Portugal and the Dutch technology we gonna do it !!!!!
About investors ...
Can you get someone???

Vitor Monteiro.


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